Andy Lester

Manager, lead software engineer, speaker, writer

Palatine, IL

Articles & Publications

Hewlett-Packard's enterprise.nxt blog

New Relic's blog

New Relic is a cloud-based monitoring company.

Smartbear's blog

SmartBear is the leader in software quality tools for teams.

PragPub magazine

PragPub is a magazine published by Pragmatic Bookshelf. Some issues are available online, but others are not. Articles marked "*" are co-written with Johanna Rothman when we had a regular Lester and Rothman column.

Other publications

  • "What to Include in Your Open Source Resume", 10/9/2009
  • "Using mdfind and mdls in Mac OS X", O'Reilly MacDevCenter, 2004
  • The Perl Journal: Articles published in 2003-2004 include "Web Security with Taint Checking", "Using Devel::Cover", "Introduction to Automated Testing with Test::Harness", "Five Ways To Find Files" and "Data Manipulation & Perl Command-Line Options"